Message to the Sixteenth Session of the Ministerial Council Of R.C.D. on January 11, 1973
On behalf of the people of Pakistan and on my own behalf, I extend a hearty welcome to our brothers from Iran and Turkey, the distinguished Foreign Ministers and other delegations. I have been closely associated with R.C.D. from its very inception and have ever since watched its progress with keen interest.
The demand of our times is speedy economic development and a just distribution of its products leading to increased welfare and higher standard of living for the millions. The task of economic development is so stupendous that national effort alone would not suffice unless countries cooperate mutually with a view to supplement and complement their resources.
Iran, Turkey and Pakistan have decided to cooperate in the gigantic task of developing their economies in close association with each other under the aegis of R.C.D. it is, however, not merely an economic arrangement, it is, at the same time, a symbol of the unity and friendship of the peoples of the three countries reflecting a common past, a common heritage, a common culture and common religion. It is an instrument for strengthening further the centuries. To me it holds a great promise for the future.
I am pleased to note that useful work has been done under R.C.D. in a wide range of fields encompassing economic, social and technical collaboration. An institutional framework has been established and basic infrastructure facilities including communications are being improved. The peoples of the three countries have been brought more and more in contact with one another through the R.C.D. technical and cultural cooperation programmers. A number of industrial joint ventures have been set up and have commenced production. Steps to increase intra-regional trade are constantly under review. A sound and hopeful beginning has, thus, been made. We have now to bring R.C.D. activities to a stage when its benefits should be made available to the common man. The expansion of trade and industrial cooperation should have a high priority with us as these are basic to the success of any regional arrangement. The size of the market of the region provides opportunities for the establishment of large, sophisticated and inter-dependent industries in the three countries. This po6ential has not yet been fully explored and exploited. So far as trade is concerned, the time has come when we should seriously consider the establishment of a preferential trade arrangement for promoting intra-regional trade. I am confident that a preferential trade arrangement would be able to effectively simulate the trade within the region.
It is a matter of great satisfaction for us in Pakistan to see our brothers in Iran and Turkey proper under the dynamic leadership of His Imperial Majesty the Shahinshah Aryamehr and His Excellency President Cevdet Sunay. Pakistan a has recently passed through a serious crisis from the disastrous effects of which we have still to recover ourselves fully. It was heartening to see that our brethren in Iran and Turkey were with us in this hour of trial and tribulation. I take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the Governments and peoples of and Turkey for their generous support.
I hope you will enjoy your stay in Pakistan. I am confident that this Session will prove yet another step forward towards greater cooperation among us. I wish the Council all success in its deliberations. I wish the great peoples of Iran and Turkey a happy and glorious future.