Meeting with Labour deputation at Lahore on January 30, 1973
President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto said that the cause of the working class was always dear to him and the proof of this was that the people’s Government had and was keeping regular contact with this class to better their lot in every possible manner.
The President was talking to a deputation of laboring classes who called on him at the Governor’s House. the deputation expressed their gratitude to the President for introducing Labor Reforms of far-reaching importance in the country and assured him of their fullest cooperation in its implementation. They told the President that they stood for industrial peace and were anxious to raise the production level which was the need of the hour.
The deputation, however, pointed out that there were some lacunae in the Labor Laws and submitted a representation in this respect. The President told them that their representation would be considered in depth by the authorities concerned.
The amended Labor Laws, they also pointed out, were in English language and it was necessary to print them in Urdu language also so that they could be understood by the average worker in their true perspective. The President told the deputation that this would be done soon and they would have Urdu copies of the same in the near future.
The President also removed the fears expressed by some deputationists that certain industries, which had been taken under state-control by the Government, would be returned to their owners. The President said, this will not happen.
On his attention being drawn that the Labour Laws were not being implemented in case of workers of brick kilns (Bhatta Mazdoor), the President directed that these should be implemented immediately.