Message of Farmers on May 27, 1972
My dear peasants and farmers,
I am fully conscious of the fact that despite fully conscious of the fact that despite eagerness on my part I could not find time to converse and exchange views with you. You are well aware that I took over the administration at a time when the country was passing through a very critical stage because of war and various other reasons. So I had to devote all my time and attention to removing external and internal dangers. By the grace of Almighty Allah and the fullest cooperation of the people conditions are now fast improving. Our caravan, Insha Allah, will reach its destination very soon.
My dear brothers, agriculture is the industry of our country. Our economic condition cannot improve without the development of agriculture. Despite drought conditions, lack of canal water and other difficulties you have made appreciable efforts to increase agricultural production which has greatly improved the nation’s economy. I whole-heartedly congratulate you on your hard work and determination. I am confident that cultivators and land-owners would cooperate with one another and leave no stone unturned to increase agricultural production in the country.
You should be fully aware of the fact that production per acre in your country is very low and unless this production is increased, agricultural progress is just not possible increase in production per acre is possible only when you resort to modern methods of cultivation, use good variety of see and fertilizers according to requirements and instructions making use of the water in a judicious and appropriate manner. If the production is low, not only your efforts are nor fully rewarded but the economy of the country as a whole is also deprived of its full benefits. It is, therefore, essential that each and every cultivator should try his utmost to increase production per acre.
My dear peasants, the season for cultivation of Kharif crops has started. Cotton and paddy are two important crops of this season. The economy of Pakistan is to a large extent dependant on these crops. These crops not only meet the country’s requirements but also earn a lot of foreign exchange. Therefore, special attention should be given on the cultivation of these crops. I am confident that you will strive hard to increase their production.
My brothers, it is a matter of concern for your Government that we have to import a sizeable quantity of wheat from abroad despite the fertility of our land, the adequacy of water and the hard work that you put in day and night. This situation is by no means satisfactory. An agricultural country like ours should not only be self-sufficient in food but it should have met the food requirements of other countries as well. Your Government is determined to make Pakistan self-sufficient in food at the earliest. This is a question of national prestige for us all. I am sure that my peasant brothers would earn the appreciation of the world by meeting the food requirements of their beloved country through hard work and determination.
My friends, rise in the name of Allah and prove to the world that a Pakistani cultivator is next to none in the world and that he was the ability to make land yield its treasures.
Pakistani cultivators Zindabad. Pakistan Paindabad.