Message of greetings to Mr. Richard Ni4on, President of U.S.A. on the success of Appollo-17 Mission on December 19, 1972

Home / SPEECHES / Speeches delivered in 1972 / Message of greetings to Mr. Richard Ni4on, President of U.S.A. on the success of Appollo-17 Mission on December 19, 1972

On the successful completion of the historic voyage of Appollo 17, I have great pleasure in conveying to the American people specially to the devoted group of scientists, technicians and the distinguished members of the crew of Apollo 17, who made this historic voyage a success, our heartiest felicitations. We in Pakistan share with you Mr. President the joy and pride of this great achievement which, we are sure, will benefit the whole world. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.