Message on the 27th Anniversary of United Nations on October 24, 1972
As the United Nations observes its 27th Anniversary, I would like to convey to it the good wishes of the people and Government of Pakistan.
Pakistan has been a consistent upholder of the principles of international peace and security embodied in the Charter of the United Nations. Like some other member states, however, it has suffered disappointment at the inability of the Organization to fulfill the purposes originally envisioned at San Francisco. The use or threat of force still plagues international relations. Many vital decisions of the Organization remain unimplemented and unobserved.
Although this disappointment cannot be concealed, yet it remains true that there is no hope for the maintenance of a rational world order except by strengthening the United Nations and making it an instrument of peace based on justice. The principles of the renunciation of force in international relations, of the peaceful settlement of disputes, of non-intervention by one state in another’s internal affairs, and the sovereign equality of states need to be scrupulously adhered to. Such adherence is not possible unless member states show due regard to the resolutions of the various organs of the United Nations.
On this occasion, Pakistan pledges its renewed determination to promote the principles of the United Nation Charter.