Reply to the address of welcome by Mr. Nicolae Ceausescu, President of the Socialist Republic of Romania, at the State banquet on January 9, 1973
Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
In one word I would like to thank you Sir, for what you have said this evening; we are overwhelmed not only by the words but by the sincerity with which you spoke. You have been with us for two days, and in the course of two days we have held discussions. You have visited another Province of our country where you have seen our humble efforts to bring about economic salvation for our people and tomorrow you will be visiting another Province of Pakistan and the day after that the third one. Our regret is that you could not go to our fourth Province in the short period of time; to see that wherever you go, whichever {province you visit, whomsoever you meet, you will find the same warmth and the same affection and applause for you and for your distinguished friends.
Your visit to Pakistan is a memorable one and one which would be remembered by as for a long time to come. Whey, because you have come to us at a time of great stress and great difficulties, when we have passed through a tragic and traumatic experience in our national life. Why, because you are here on our soil to see for yourself the efforts we are making to rehabilitate our country and to chalk out the course of peace in the war-tattered subcontinent. Today we have concluded an important agreement which not only signifies the importance by the name of the Declaration but more by the intent and contents of the Declaration. It should be asked why this agreement was concluded, this agreement of fundamental nature within three hours of our discussions. I say this because in contrast we have held negotiations, puerile and futile, for thirty years and three hundred years with others and not moved an inch forward. The simple reasons that because there is a desire for collaboration; the simple reason is that because there is no outside element to compel the two of us to come to and agreement; the simple reason is that there is not an iota of compulsion or threat in the agreement that we have concluded. It has been concluded by voluntary aspirations of the people of Romania and the people of Pakistan and articulated by their Governments.
That is why it is my abiding faith that it shall live and it shall outlast all the vicissitudes and all the threats that may come in its way. And for this reason we look forward optimistically and hopefully. When you return to your country Mr. President you must convey to your people our sincere appreciation and our sincere thanks for your understanding and cooperation in our difficult time. Although we have concluded our basic agreements, Nevertheless, for the reasons, I have stated I am accompanying you tomorrow to Lahore, And we shall continue our frank, cordial and fruitful discussions. But, the foreign Office must not take it as a precedent which is being established because this is a special matter. In the old day when Rome was the center of Western Civilization, there is an old saying. “In Rome do as the Romans do.” When I bid you farewell tomorrow at Lahore I might be tempted to say in future “IN Rome do as the Romanians do.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to request you all to join me in a toast to the heroic people of Romania, to the everlasting friendship between the people of Romania and the people of Pakistan wishing them well in their mutual efforts for the cause of world peace, to President of Romania and Madame Ceauseson and all our distinguished friends from Romania.