Inauguration of P.P.P. Office, Quetta June 12, 1970
I am very happy that God has given me this opportunity of coming to Quetta after a long time. You can see that political activity has started in the country and I am undertaking extensive tours from one end of Pakistan to the other. I have come to the people of Baluchistan because the Pakistan People’s Party is a party of the masses. This is your party and it will never betray you. This is my word of honor to you. We have seen that during the last 23 years there has been a continuing conspiracy against the people of Pakistan. With the deaths of Quaid-i-Azam and Quaid-i-Millat the conspiracy began to surface and operate quite blatantly. There has been no political or economic progress in the country. Poverty and misery have been on the increase. We stand for justice and equality. That is what the people in this country want. We want to end the system of exploitation. This also is our party programme. A great deal of baseless propaganda is being carried out against us. The capitalists are vilifying us in their newspapers.
Without your cooperation this party cannot succeed. You have made today’s procession a success. You came of your own accord. You came because you wanted to. That is important. This was our own procession and no capitalists spent any money on it. I am very happy that this procession has been successful. I am inaugurating this office today and want you to remember that this is your own office. It is not possible for us to open offices everywhere. Offices should be opened so that work is done there. You should visit this office and acquaint yourself with the programme of the Pakistan People’s Party. This is not the office of the People’s Party only but your own whether you are members of our party or not. You are our brothers and the doors of this office will remain open to you.